As long as I’m at it, fans of xkcd may also enjoy Indexed. (Or maybe I’m just late to the party for both of them.)
Category: Hobbies & Interests
Other things that interest me besides the “big ticket items”
Economics Simplified
Yoram Bauman explains the ten principles of economics in this short video.
(Via Whump)
A Sense of My Humor
You probably don’t need to read this entry. But maybe you do.
So yesterday we were on coffee break, and for some reason (probably because several of us were twisted individuals) the conversation turned to clubbing seals. J asked if any of us had ever seen the Greenpeace video of seals being clubbed, and then described it to us. (Yes, it sounds pretty horrible.) Then the conversation went like this:
“What I wonder,” said J, “is how people who club seals for a living live with themselves. I mean, imagine you club seals day in and day out, and one night you’re at a bar and you’re talking to an attractive woman, and she asks you what you do for a living. What do you say? ‘Well, I go out and club–”
“I go out clubbing!” says A, and we all collapse in laughter. “Want to go out clubbing with me?”
“You say, ‘I’m in procurement,'” I say.
With increasing silliness, J says “Hey, I can get you a fur coat – cheap!”
“It was -” I splutter, “It was on seal!”
Five other people around the table groan loudly.
(Sadly, the domain is already taken.)
Films in Five Seconds
Various films summarized in five seconds in YouTube videos. I recommend the Star Wars trilogy ones.
Today’s Lego Magic
The Doctor’s Girls
Neat bit of Doctor Who-related artwork on DeviantArt: The Doctor’s Girls. (I could do with less of the manga influence in the art, but, you know, that’s just me.)
(Via Torchwood.)
Presidential Candidates
It’s a little sad that the 2008 Presidential campaign is already kicking into gear – with the first primaries still a year away.
But, NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday had a surprisingly entertaining interview with former Senators Bob Kerrey (D-NE) and Alan Simpson (R-WY) about the race. In this interview, they voice opinions that perhaps the most likely candidates to win their parties’ nominations are:
- Barack Obama (Sen, D-IL)
- Hillary Rodham Clinton (Sen, D-NY)
- John Edwards (former Sen, D-NC)
- John McCain (Sen, R-AZ)
- Rudy Giuliani (former Mayor, R-New York City)
- Mitt Romney (former Governor, R-MA)
This seems like a plausible list to me, although of course a lot can change in a year.
The interesting thing here is how many candidates are sitting or former Senators, especially among the Democrats. But in my lifetime, being a sitting Senator has been the kiss of death for a Presidential candidate. Look how far back we have to go to find a sitting Senator who was elected to the Presidency:
- George W. Bush (2000): Sitting Governor of Texas
- Bill Clinton (1992): Sitting Governor of Arkansas
- George H. W. Bush (1988): Sitting Vice President
- Ronald Reagan (1980): Former Governor of California
- Jimmy Carter (1976): Former Governor of Georgia
- Richard Nixon (1968): Former Representative, Senator and Vice President; hadn’t held office for 8 years (!)
- Lyndon Johnson (1964): Reelected as sitting President, having been elected as Kennedy’s Vice President
- John F. Kennedy (1960): Sitting Senator
In that span, many Senators and former Senators have won their party’s nomination and then gone down to defeat:
- Bush the Junior defeated Al Gore (2000) and John Kerry (2004)
- Clinton defeated Bob Dole (1996)
- Nixon defeated George McGovern (1972)
- Johnson defeated Barry Goldwater (1964)
So does this mean we can look forward to a President Giuliani or President Romney? Well…
Synchronized Juggling
Video of juggler Chris Bliss juggling to the final tracks of The Beatles’ Abbey Road. Neat to watch.
(Via Dad.)
Kirk, You Ignorant…
Today I had coffee with Subrata, Cliff and Whump and as we usually do we were geeking out about various things. The conversation turned to the Mirror Universe two-parter toward the end of Enterprise, “In A Mirror, Darkly”, which Cliff hadn’t seen. So I described the premise, and eventually got to mentioning my favorite part:
“And we get to see Scott Bakula in Kirk’s slut uniform!”
A great thing about my friends is that they all know exactly which outfit I mean when I say that.
Creepy Celebrities
Some celebrities creep me out. I reflect on some of them here.
The San Jose Mercury News has an interesting article on the celebrity status of the late Anna Nicole Smith. Even I was surprised by it, and I’m not really a celebrity-watcher. But some celebrities are hard to escape from, unless you never follow pop culture at all, and Smith was one of those, especially once her “reality” show become popular.
I’ve seen bits of her show while channel-surfing, and I immediately classified Smith as a “creepy” celebrity: Her shrill voice, her odd sense of decor and color, it was all just really weird. And of course her public exploits tended to seem equally weird. And, of course, she was one of those people who’s mostly famous for being famous, not because she was particularly talented or accomplished. This sort of fame is also very creepy to me.
I know it’s gauche to speak ill of the recently deceased, but Smith’s whole cachet seemed to be wrapped up in being peculiar, if not outright creepy. That ship sailed before I got anywhere near the pier.
My list of the five creepiest celebrities:
- Paris Hilton
- Mary-Kate Olsen (who jumped onto this list after I saw this photo)
- Britney Spears
- Anna Nicole Smith
- Pamela Anderson (especially after reading about her flirtation with on-line poker)
I can’t honestly think of any male celebrities I find creepy enough to put on this list.
One celebrity whom some might find creepy is Jessica Simpson, but honestly I find her to be your basic pop singer trying to forge an acting career. While anyone willing to do a “reality” show has to be considered at least somewhat peculiar, I just don’t find her strange enough to be creepy.
Which celebrities creep you out?