I’m feeling pretty exhausted by everything today. I’d managed to get through all of the chores I set for myself in time to spend the afternoon lazing around and watching football.
And then this morning we discovered that our freezer was no longer working. The refrigerator seems to be hanging in there, but the freezer’s temperature has now risen to almost the same temperature as the fridge. So, we took everything out and put it in our large cooler with some ice, and we’re hoping to have someone out to look at it tomorrow.
But it pretty much shot my ability to relax this afternoon.
Deets for people who care: Cold air is coming out of the vent in the freezer – just clearly not enough. The door seems to close fine, and the gasket doesn’t see compromised. I pulled it out and dusted under and behind it, and also dusted what I think are the coils, but no luck. The fan for the condenser seems to be running fine. Obviously something is not fine but we’ve been unable to diagnose it. We hope to have someone look at it in the next day or two.
Anyway, the fridge is about 12 years old, so it could just be time to buy a new fridge.
Last weekend I joined that group of people who celebrated their birthday during the pandemic. I didn’t mind so much, though, since I don’t often have parties anymore, although I might have gotten together with friends for dinner if things were normal. I took Friday off to have a 4-day weekend, which was nice. Didn’t do a lot, which was also nice.
As with most normal citizens of the U.S., I was delighted to see Racist Impeached President Donald Trump leave the White House on Wednesday, and glad to see Joe Biden sworn in as the new President. I am not a Biden fan specifically – he’s pretty much the definition of a moderate – but I am glad to have adults running the executive branch again.
And I admit I breathed a sign of relief that there were no assassination attempts during the ceremonies – I was really worried that there would be.
But this was a rough week for me. I think the pandemic and quarantine and the racists and insurrectionists have been slowly grinding me down, and by Thursday I was having a hard time moving forward at work. (The fact that I’m so ready to move on from my current project might have had something to do with it. Fortunately I think I’ve just about got the last issues resolved.) My productivity tend to be cyclical anyway, but the down times have been especially pronounced lately. The time off for the holidays didn’t really help, which suggests it’s not downtime that’s needed.
I’ve also been having some physical problems, which at first I thought was a reoccurrence of the pinched nerve I had back in 2009, but now I suspect it actually something below my shoulder. Massaging it helps, and it’s been gradually getting better, but it’s been frustratingly slow. It mainly affects me when driving or typing – good thing I never do any of those things! – and has therefore probably been a factor in the wall I’ve hit at work. It also bothers me when sleeping sometimes. I suspect its root cause is ultimately stress-related.
Fortunately it hasn’t really impacted my ability to run or walk – there’s actually some good news there, as knee soreness I was having for a while in late 2019 and early 2020 seems to have basically gone away.
I know we’re still incredibly lucky to be where we are compared to many people. But it still feels hard, and getting harder.
Anyway, lots of doom and gloom in this post. For those who have read this far, here’s a pic of my snuggly boi:

Most (all?) combination freezer/fridge appliances only have a single condenser and air-handling fan, and there’s a damper which directs cold air to one compartment or the other. These quite often fail, and the. Only one “side” gets appropriately-cold. It should be a pretty cheap repair of that’s the issue. It could be the control board, in which case it will likely be substantially less cheap.
Something like this happened five years ago and we had a fairly clueless tech out who replaced the board, and it didn’t help. Then we hired someone who knew what he was doing and he implemented a much cheaper fix (but I forget what, other than that we replaced the fridge gasket as well). So there’s some hope it’s something simple.
Of course the temperature has been returning to normal tonight. Sheesh.
Anyway, maybe we should be looking for a new fridge anyway. Twice shy and all that.
I think when our old one went “bad’, it was the opposite problem. The freezer still froze, but the fridge wasn’t very cold. Possibly the problem was a sensor coil frosting up, and therefore not working properly to regulate the cooling. Since it was ~18 years old, and we kind of wanted a new fridge of different design, we bought a new one.