I’ve come down with another cold. Seems like I’ve been sick a lot this winter – and it’s not even winter anymore! This one hasn’t been too bad, but it has sapped my energy towards the end of the day, and I’ve been sleeping quite heavily. I’ll still be glad when it’s over. Maybe by tomorrow, since it came down on me on Thursday.
Speaking of winter, while it’s been cool recently, that’s all supposed to be coming to an end today: The forecast high for our area is close to 90°, and it may be warmer tomorrow. By Wednesday it’s supposed to get back to normal, but it’ll be hot for a few days.
So I’ve been laying low recently, trying to get over the cold. I didn’t actually stay home from work on Friday, although in retrospect I probably should have. But I always feel guilty calling in sick unless I feel really sick. Plus, I’ve been extremely productive at work recently, getting through a big stack of bug reports, and then pulling bugs off of other people and getting through those. So at least I have something to show for it.
We also helped out with Camille’s baby shower yesterday, which went over really well, it seemed. Susan and Subrata hosted it (Chad & Camille hosted Susan’s shower last year), and many of our friends-in-common attended. My energy unfortunately ran down later in the afternoon, but it was a fun time anyway.
But I’m glad that the hectic activity of the last couple of weeks has wound down, and things will be getting back to normal for a while. And if I can shake this cold, then I can actually enjoy it.