This Week’s Haul

Comic books I bought the week of 24 January 2007.

  • 52 #38 of 52 (DC)
  • Fables #57 (DC/Vertigo)
  • Eternals #6 of 7 (Marvel)
  • Mouse Guard #6 of 6 (Archaia Studios Press)

    Well, that was fun! Maybe a bit slight on the story side, but I enjoyed it. It looks like there will be both a collection and a sequel. And indeed, the creator has a home page for the comic.

  • Colonia: On Into The Great Lands vol. 2 TPB (Colonia Press)

    Colonia is a really neat comic: It concerns Jack, a young man, and his uncles Pete and Richard, who are all thrown from our world into a parallel world where the New World still has the feel of the 17th century age of pirates, and magical forces seem to be rampant. It’s inventive, funny, at times touching, and generally downright eerie.

    Creator Jeff Nicholson’s art style reminds me somewhat of my old buddy Scott Marshall‘s art. It doesn’t have the polish of comics from the big publishers, but who cares? It’s earnest and serves the story. Really, if the series has a downside it’s that it doesn’t come out very often. But hey, it’s publishing more frequently than Xenozoic Tales is these days!

    If you want to check it out, you could start with the first collection.

  • The Maze Agency vol. 1 TPB (IDW)

    Back in the days of the first independent comics boom, Comico Comics published a little series called The Maze Agency. Written by comics veteran Mike W. Barr and drawn by a newcomer named Adam Hughes, it was a mystery comic in the classic sense: Every story was a mystery that the reader could try to solve before the heroes.

    It worked quite well, actually, and was an entertaining read, even after Hughes departed to be replaced by considerably lesser lights on the art. IDW printed a short Maze Agency mini-series a year or two ago, and is now reprinting the original series in paperback. This is the first volume. If this is your sort of thing, check it out.


Clearly I haven’t felt like writing much lately – I didn’t realize until my little post on Tuesday that I didn’t update all weekend! Bad journaller!

Actually, I mentioned last week that I got sick the night of my birthday. Debbi was a day or two behind me and was flattened by it for several days. After running some errands on Saturday (such as having lunch at Shebele) and having dinner with friends, Debbi decided to just take Sunday off and hang out at home.

By contrast, I joined Subrata and company for some Magic. I had a much better draft than last time, putting together a fairly good Blue/White deck with some crafty creatures in it. I think I split the six games I played (though it helped that one game I got the optimal draw and Subrata got the pessimal draw).

It’s a little frightening to be getting into Magic again. 🙂

We’re both feeling better this week, but we’ve had a pretty laid-back week nonetheless. Gaming and comics last night, and frisbee in a little over an hour.

Hopefully I can get back to posting meatier entries sometime soon.